Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine

With healthcare degree interviews starting soon, it’s always a good idea to be keeping up to date with the latest health news! So I thought I would give you a quick overview about the recently approved, Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.


What is the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine?

  • This vaccine is the first coronavirus approved for use in the UK.

  • Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the U.K. granted authorisation for use of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on the 2nd of December 2020.

  • It is 95% effective in preventing coronavirus (Pfizer, 2020).

How does it work?

  • An mRNA vaccine uses a small section of the genetic code (RNA) from the virus that causes COVID-19 to teach the body how to fight it and build immunity (BBC News, 2020).

  • It tells the body’s cells to make copies of the virus’s spike protein.

  • This does not lead to the person developing the disease.

  • It causes the person’s immune system to learn how to fight the virus and produce an immune response against it.

How is it given?

  • 2 doses - 3 weeks apart

Who will get it?

  • It is currently being given to (NHS, 2020):

    • some people aged 80+ who already have a hospital appointment in the next few weeks

    • people who live or work in care homes

    • health care workers at high risk

Extra info

  • The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees celcius which poses logistical challenges.

  • The companies expect to make globally up to 50 million vaccine doses in 2020 and up to 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021.



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