The life of an adult nursing student

My name is Rheanna, I’m 20 and from Devon. I’m currently a second year adult health student nurse studying at Plymouth University.


Why nursing?

I chose to study nursing to make a difference to the world we live in. When I was younger I always thought I could save everyone. Now that I am older I know that although I may not be able to save everyone’s life, I can always try my best to make a difference to someone’s life. I’ve always wanted to help people, and have always been passionate about caring for others.


My journey to becoming an adult nursing student

Originally when I applied, I didn’t get accepted onto the course I wanted which was a masters degrees completing an adult and child health nursing course in 4 years. I was so set back and distraught; they offered me adult health nursing so I went for the interview, and was offered a place, so I took the opportunity. Now looking back on it, I believe everything happens for a reason and I’m so glad I went into adult health nursing, and would love to go into critical care or mental health in the future.


A typical day as a student nurse

A day in a life of a student nurse can really changes day by day; some days I’m forever busy and seeking opportunities, and other days I get the chance to sit back and reflect on my experiences. But I am always continuously learning. I experience challenging days, tiring days and days were I question my abilities just like everyone, but I think of the end goal and my capabilities.


What have I been doing over lockdown?

Over lockdown I have spent time learning self-love and becoming a happier and healthier person. I’ve been studying to be the best I can academically be and I’ve being growing my nursing platform to try and inspire and help other students and professionals.

How difficult is studying nursing?

So many people told me how hard my course was going to be, which is true, but with compassion, dedication, patience and hard work I know I can achieve anything, including the degree I am on.


Healthcare Assistant work

I currently work as a HCA on the bank, I enjoy going to different specialities and discovering the things I love, and gaining experience anywhere I can.

I really love being a student nurse, and I’m so enthusiastic about my future as a nurse and making a difference, whether it be big or little, to someone’s life.

Rheanna Shermer

Rheanna is a 2nd year student nurse at Plymouth University.


My Journey So Far & What I've Learnt