5 tips for taking care of your mental health during COVID-19 as a PA student

I am a physician assistant student at the University of California, Davis, cohort of 2021. I hold a B.A. in Sociology and an emphasis in Disability Studies from University of California, Los Angeles. I am a preventative care advocate and am very proactive in mindfulness, consciousness, and self-love.

Melissa Elist

Melissa Elist


Since COVID-19 has taken its reign over the globe, what have we learned from this unprecedented experience? The Earth is now able to breathe since our carbon footprint has significantly been reduced. Essentially, the human experience has evolved from this pandemic by showing us how much value we bring to this earth. Our eyes have been opened to the inextricable need we have for one another. Our bodies may be potential hosts to spreading the virus, but just like we can spread a disease, we can also spread love, kindness & positivity. Use this time for reflection of your contribution and the life that you are living. Slow down & finally hear yourself again. The universe is always speaking to us if we are willing to listen.



You’re not alone. It’s ok to not be okay. We don’t have to be going 100% full speed every single day. Take some time for yourself. Take a break from technology. Take a walk. Smile, wave to yourself in the mirror, laugh. Dress up, even if it’s just for yourself. To look good, to feel good. Be here, just as you are. You will have some good days, some bad days, and that’s the natural flow of life even without the pandemic upon us. Sleep in when you feel you really need it. Catch up on that show you love. Let yourself just be. Don’t judge yourself. Most importantly, be calm and patient with yourself during this time. Allow yourself to do something that you love each day, even if it’s for a short period of time. Do not feel guilty that you should be studying. At times it feels like no matter how much you study there is always going to be more. When you are tired, take it as a sign to rest, not to quit. Take a moment to check in with yourself and see what you need. Just take it day by day and don’t forget to take care of yourself, your health & well being.



Feelings have a beginning, middle, and end. They are temporary. It is ok to feel, as a human that is your super power, to just feel. When you have an emotion recognise it, invite it in, feel that emotion, and give it permission to leave. That temporary feeling does not define who you are, your potential or what you are capable of doing. Do not bottle up how you feel. Talk about it to a therapist, a friend a family member, or write about it. Find your form of expression.



Anxiety. Such a broad word, yet so many rushes of emotions and triggers run through our body when we read that simple word. Anxiety is something we create. Fear is something we create. You are in control of your perspective. You are bigger than what is making you anxious. Try to see situations that make you uncomfortable as opportunities to empower growth.



This unprecedented time can present a new opportunity to build meaningful connections with mentors, peers, & faculty members who have dedicated themselves to your growth. Take a moment to check what resources are available to you, both academically and emotionally. Keeping contact with professors, peers and other faculty members can be a great way of maintaining not only professional connections but to create stronger relationships, because after all you are all in this together. Your mentors want to see you do well, do not let those connections fade because of COVID. The connections you build now can be long lasting and meaningful, given that this pandemic will always have a place in our human memory banks.



Beyond doubt, there were, and are, moments of stress, anxiety, fear, and grief through this pandemic but you relied on your strengths to lead you & guide you to where you are right now. Nobody did this for you. You relied on your determination, compassion, tenacity, patience, dedication, and professionalism (just to list a few). You demonstrated incredible resilience. Take a moment to honour yourself and how far you’ve come.


Now that the world has slowed down, we are in a privileged position to be PA students. We are privileged to be next in line to serve the public with our newly acquired medical knowledge. Find what excites you in medicine, find what drives you and don’t lose sight of that bigger picture to get you to your end goal. You are going to be a clinician, a provider. The days that you are freaking out, losing hope or thinking that you cannot get through this, don’t forget the bigger picture. That you are giving yourself to medicine, to healing and to treating people that look to you for hope, safety, and for answers. There are patients waiting for your empathy, care, and emotional strength and support. Stay committed, focused, have a strong positive mentality, stay organised, practice good time management, find balance, and don’t lose sight of your true self during this process. Remember that in order to get results that you have never got, you have to do things that you have never done. Start getting used to change and start embracing the unknown. I believe in you, now all you need, is to believe in yourself.

Melissa Elist

Melissa is currently a physician assistant student at the University of California, Davis, cohort of 2021. She holds a B.A. in Sociology and an emphasis in Disability Studies from University of California, Los Angeles.


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